Excel at Excel Beginner Workshop

Conference Room 103 41550 Eclectic St., Palm Desert, CA

Excel at Excel Beginner Workshop Register Here: https://thecna.kartra.com/page/LGw807 

RAP Board Meeting

Click here to view the agenda with attachments

Excel at Excel Intermediate Workshop

Conference Room 103 41550 Eclectic St., Palm Desert, CA

Excel at Excel Intermediate Workshop Register Here: https://thecna.kartra.com/page/LGw807 

Excel at Excel Advanced Workshop

Conference Room 103 41550 Eclectic St., Palm Desert, CA

Excel at Excel Advanced Workshop Register Here: https://thecna.kartra.com/page/LGw807 

Cyber Security- Best Practices for Regular Users

Data breaches happen all the time, but that only happens to large enterprises, right? What about me? How can you alter behaviors to better protect yourself and your family from personal attacks, phishing scams, and the like? In this 1-hour seminar, geared towards everyday users, we will show you how to easily and quickly protect […]


Grants Review Committee: March 13, 2023

Wilson Community Room (101) 41550 Eclectic St., Palm Desert, CA

Grants Review Committee Agenda Monday, March 13, 2023, 1:30 PM Pacific Time RAP Foundation, 41-550 Eclectic St., Palm Desert, CA 92260 Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84293619987 Meeting ID: 842 9361 9987         Call In: (669) 900-6833 US Click to view Agenda

Coffee With… Volunteer Q & A Panel

Coffee With...  Register for in-person: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=rgkwnynab&oeidk=a07ejoem4lpc5c618d1 Register for Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItcO2qrToqHNQkMECNj-mCrziR550bgU23