
Our Board of Directors

Aurora Tenorio-Wilson

Aurora Tenorio-Wilson


First RAP Foundation Director; Retired Dept. Dir., Coachella Valley Assoc. of Governments and former elected Trustee, College of the Desert. Serves as Chair of the NPO Centric Committee, Executive, Grants, Facilities, and Governance Committees. Appointed in 2018.
Matthew Gonda, CPA

Matthew Gonda, CPA


CPA, CGMA, CEO at Gonda+Co. Serves as the Finance Chair and on the Executive and on the Facilities Committees. Appointed in 2019.

Maria Meyer

Maria Meyer


Retired McKesson Corporation Site Director. Serves on the  Executive, Grants, Audit, and NPO Centric Committees. Appointed in 2020.

Jan Pye

Jan Pye


Retired Desert Oasis Health Care Documents Specialist. Serves as the Chair of the Executive, Finance, and NPO Centric Committees. Appointed in 2016.

Dr. William Kroonen

Dr. William Kroonen


Ed.D., Retired President of College of the Desert. Serves on the Executive and Finance Committees. Appointed in 2004.

Joseph Hayes

Joseph Hayes

Past Chair

Senior Vice-President First Bank. Serves on the Executive, and Nominations Committees. Appointed in 2005.

Claudia Galvez

Claudia Galvez


Chief Officer of Government & Community Affairs at Innercare. Serves on the Facilities and Nominations Committee. Appointed in 2010.

Dr. Craig Borba

Dr. Craig Borba

Past Chair

Ed.D., Retired Palm Springs Unified School District Assistant Superintendent. Serves on the Executive, Grants, Finance, Facilities, and Governance Committees. Appointed in 2006.

V. Manuel Perez

V. Manuel Perez


(Permanent Member). Riverside County Supervisor, 4th District.

Rudy Gutierrez

Rudy Gutierrez


Business Owner. Serves as the Chair of the Governance Committee and on the Facilities Committee. Appointed in 2014.

Beatriz Gonzalez

Beatriz Gonzalez


After School Education Services District Coordinator-Coachella Valley Unified. Serves on the Health-Mental Health, Audit, and NPOC Committees. Appointed in 2016.

Karina Quintanilla

Karina Quintanilla


City of Palm Desert Councilmember. Serves on the Mental Health Initiative Committee. Appointed in 2022.

Rosemary Ortega

Rosemary Ortega


Retired College of the Desert Educator. Serves on the Grants and NPOC Committees. Appointed in 2010.

Tori St. Johns

Tori St. Johns


Desert Sands Unified School District, Student Assistance Program Counselor. Serves as the Chair of the Health-Metal Health Committee. Appointed in 2017.

Elizabeth Romero

Elizabeth Romero


Assistant Vice-Chancellor, Government & Community Relations University of Riverside. Serves on the Governance Committee. Appointed in 2018.

Dr. Ann Dew

Dr. Ann Dew


Retired General Practitioner. Serves on the Health-Mental Health Committee. Appointed in 2023.

Sheryl Benoit

Sheryl Benoit


Serves on the Audit Committee. Appointed in 2023.

George Colangeli

George Colangeli


Serves on the Mental Health Initiative Committee. Appointed in 2023.

Van Tanner

Van Tanner


Retired Businessman. Serves as Chair of the Audit and on the Grants Committees. Appointed in 2016.

Kenny Rodgers

Kenny Rodgers


Serves on the Audit Committee.  Appointed in 2024.